Funny Out of Office Messages for Vacation

The holiday season is here and if you want to keep your mind at ease and get ready for the coming work week, you might consider letting other people know that you won't be checking emails for the next few days. After all, we all want a distraction-free holiday to get rid of all the fatigue, after the hard and stressful year.

We've put together an awesome list of out of office messages for the holidays, 12 to be specific.

What is OOO?

Out of message or OOO is a simple, indicative message to clearly inform your colleagues and clients that you'll not be in the office and replying to the mails or messages might take longer than usual. Even though this looks uncomplicated, people tend to mess it up and not communicate the intent clearly causing confusion to the responders.

OOO is considered a must-follow work etiquette to explain the reason and elucidate what steps the mailer should follow. Auto reply mailer is used to ensure that your colleagues and clients don't misunderstand you taking time to reply, which might have consequences on your relationship with them.

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What is the purpose of an OOO email?

Having an out of office message allows you to announce when you'll be away from the office. It allows you to inform customers, clients and co-workers that you will not be readily available via phone or email. Being unavailable from work is a normal part of life for everyone, It comes with the territory when carrying out various roles. Although various organizations see themselves as 24/7 accessible and available, sometimes there may be an unavoidable problem that forces one to stay away from work and be unavailable to clients and end-users. In such circumstances, it's important to let your customers or clients know about your absence before it occurs to them not to be misled into thinking that the lack of response from your side is a refusal or rejection of their requests. This is why it's important to understand the significance of having an out of office message on your devices and emails.

As mentioned already, OOO is an essential hygiene factor in workplace. There are several reasons one should leave an auto reply setting when taking absence leaves from work:

1. Clear communication
2. Acknowledge that you have received the email
3. Avoid any misunderstanding for the late reply
4. Avoid work related disruptions

When to write an auto reply OOO?

1. When you're on a holiday
2. Holiday Season
3. Conference
4. Personal emergency
5. Sabbatical or long leave of absence

What to include in an OOO email?

1. Why?

This is crucial in an auto reply message. You can very briefly mention the reason for your absence. Ideally, you should not dive deep into the reason if it is personal. The 'why' part will address the curiosity of the mailer as to your delay and will help them decide whether to proceed with their plan or project.

2. When?

This is the most important part of the mail and must be included in your OOO. This is the primary reason why OOO exists, If you are working on a project with a client and your presence is needed to take some key decisions, the 'when' part will let them anticipate your arrival and plan accordingly so that there are no overall disruptions.

3. What to do?

You should include 'what to do incase this is a work related emergency'. Either give a personal contact, or list out steps to be taken if it is an extremely specific task. You can also include 'people to contact' in case they can help the respondents figure things out.

What to avoid in an OOO email?

1. Don't be overly casual
2. Don't include personal details: readers don't want to know where you are holidaying or what you are drinking
3. Don't make it a lengthy novel, keep it short and simple
4. Don't set unrealistic expectations with respect to timelines
5. Don't forget to inform your colleagues (Personal assistant, reportee, etc) before you include their details in the email.

Standard out-of-office messages

Being out of office and not sure what to say when you are away attending an event or doing business trips?

Out of office template 1: Standard fit all

Dear Client,

I will be away from the office for the next two weeks and will return by <Date>. If you need anything urgently, please contact my assistant (Contact details).


Out of office example 2: Client specific

Subject: Out of office

Dear client,

Thank you for your interest in my services. I am out of the office for the next few days till ____________. Please reach out on my personal number if it is extremely important.



Out of office example 3

Dear ________,

Please excuse me for not being available to answer emails until ________. I will be out of the office for a meeting. Thank you for your understanding.


Out of office example 4

Hi ________,,

I am currently on vacation till _________. If you need anything, please contact my colleague <contact details>.

Thank you,

[insert your name]

Out of office template 5

Dear ________,Thank you for contacting me. I understand that your mail is important. However, I will be out of the office from __________, until ___________.
__________ will be available in my absence (Contact details).



Out of office example 6

Thanks for your email. I'm currently out of the office, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll return on ______________.

In the meantime, here are some resources that might help:

Until then, check out our __________________ (Link). You might find an answer to your question there.

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to _______________ for more information.

Read also: 60+ Best Work Memes to Guarantee a Good Day at the Office

Funny OOO Examples

The conventional wisdom is that all OOO mails are to be professional and formal, but we live in a world where the richest men of the world retweet dank memes. Informal and subtle casual tone works wonders. So we have included some funny, witty and unconventional templates for out of office messages:

1. Are you sure you have made it clear enough that you are on vacation?

out of office message for holiday examples

2. A genuine reason for OOO template

out of office message for thanksgiving holiday

3. The never coming back OOO template

out of office message for christmas holiday

4. Workaholic OOO template

5. Being Zen and the art of OOO

out of office message professional

6. Ambitious resolution template

template for out of office message

7. Workaholic Part 2

out of office message for vacation

8. Use your pets as affiliates template

out of office message for holiday examples

9. Hibernation template

out of office message for thanksgiving holiday

10. Temporary gig with Santa

out of office message for christmas holiday

11. Contact carrier pigeon service

out of office message professional

12. Unapologetic

13. Solar conjunction

out of office message for vacation

14. Dune Vacation

template for out of office message

Internal out-of-office message

Internal OOO should be specific since it might help people working on projects with you. This way, they can keep track of the project and plan their timelines accordingly.


I'm out of the office until _________ and will respond to your emails once I return. If you need to access the__________(project resource), you should access this folder in the drive ______(link), If you need any other help with the project, you should contact _____________(contact details)

Thank you,


Lead generation out of office messages

Out of office need not be plain and boring, since it goes out to several mailers. It can also serve a touchpoint to generate leads for your business, who knows? One of them might even convert into a prospective customer. A good out of office message is one of the easiest things you can do to nurture your leads. But that doesn't mean you should treat them as an afterthought. You see, out of office messages are a great opportunity to show off your personality, brand, and what makes your business unique. It is important that the OOO mails fit the company style and communicate with leads in a way that builds trust, continues to build your brand, and actually helps you generate new leads.

In case you're off to a business trip or vacation, there is no need to worry about any existing sales or lead pipeline that you would be working on if you automate an OOO response. Staying in touch with prospective future cllient you worked with is necessary to ensure you don't lose them to competitors. It also gives them an update on the current status. The following Sales funnel OOO template which might help you with the task in hand:


Unfortunately, I am out of the office until ____________ as I will be attending the ________________(Event) at _________ (Location)

In case this is urgent, feel free to contact _________________. I will respond to your email once I return on _______________.



I am out of office till _______and have limited access to mail.

If you need assistance, please contact _________

Meanwhile do check out our e-book on _________. We have crafted it with the help of industry experts and you might find it extremely insightful.

In case you are curious to know what we are working on currently, check out _________


Event Promotion out of office templates

You are about to attend a conference or a training and you will be out of office for the next few days. Use the following sample out of office templates to communicate that you are away and give your team/clients more information on who to contact in case they have any questions.

Additionally you can even use OOO mails to promote the event you are attending. Businesses often organize seminars, workshops and conferences to create awareness among their customers and stakeholders. The following is an out of office template to help you promote your event in a professional manner. They are easy to edit and you can use them as a guide in sending out your own emails or SMSs during the event. Every mailer is a prospective attendee for your webinar or conference!


Since I am a keynote speaker at the __________(event details), I'll out of office and until ___________

In case you are in the city, do drop by. I'll be sharing important insights on ___________(topic) and we can have a chance to connect.


Social Media promotion OOO message

Any online marketer will tell you, that social media drives an immense amount of traffic to websites. Whether it's a blog, a personal social profile or a business page, if you are active on social media and want more visitors to your blog/landing page, you should pay attention to your out of office message as well. This can be the first thing that potential customers see when they contact you on social media. We've put together some out of office message examples for social media profiles. It is important to link your social media handles in all the outbound mails that you send across. Hence, OOO emails are no exemption.


I'll out of office and not reply to your mail until ________
Meanwhile, do check out our twitter handle ______________ (Details)
______________(Industry veteran) will be a doing an AMA. It'll be really interesting!


Networking OOO message

Personalizing your out of office notifications is essential. You don't want your prospects to feel like they aren't important or that you don't care about them. The following auto-generated message template might be good start, but it's not going to seal the deal.


I am out of office, attending __________conference (details) between _______ and _________

In case, you are around. Feel free to drop me a message at _________ (contact). I'd be glad to connect and discuss what we are building over a cup of coffee.


Blog Traffic and Newsletter promotion OOO template

Out of Office (OOO) mail is a great way to take advantage of the time you are away from your office. OOO mail combined with a blog promotion can provide an incredible flow of traffic at a lower cost than advertising.

Out-of-office autoreplies have the power to point contacts from your mail towards material you've created elsewhere (Blog, Newsletter, Youtube, etc) . By utilizing a few different strategic methods in setting up out-of-office autoresponders, you can engage multiple platforms and guide potential customers to material that is more beneficial to them


I have limited access to mail and will be replying to you by  ________

Meanwhile, do check out our latest blog on _________(topic), I am sure you will find it interesting.


Thank you very much for your email.

I am currently on leave from the office due to  __________ and will return on ________.

I'm looking forward to talking with you then.

Meanwhile, please check out our most recent newsletter entry here ________, where our content team has articulated the issue of __________ really well. I believe it will be an excellent starting point for your __________ project.


Maternity/Paternity Leave Out of office message

You're an office superstar, your manager fully trusts you and your tasks are appreciated - but you're about to take some holidays. You're going on maternity/paternity leave and everyone needs a replacement. What you need is an out of office message that's witty and fun while remaining professional. Saying goodbye to your team for a period of time can be hard, especially if you've never written an out of office message before. You want it to be perfect, but you don't know the best way to convey the right amount of friendliness and focusing on the facts. Say no more! Following is a useful template to help you optimise your own out of office mail draft. It is essential to drop the replacement's contact during maternity leave as one may be on leave for 6 months.


I'll be away on maternity/paternity leave from ______ to _______. During this period, ________(Contact details) will be handling all my accounts. Feel free to drop her a mail.




What is a better way to communicate to the clients that you are going on holiday, than with a short and sweet out-of-office message? The type of message depends on your sense of humor and the relationship you have with them.

If you are close to them, incorporate the humour into the message. You'll want to consider just how formal or informal the culture of your office is. Creating a clever out-of-office message can be a fun way to show your personality and more closely connect with your clients and company. When in doubt, use one of these twelve examples as inspiration for your out-of-office messages.


How do I set up an out-of-office message on Gmail?

  1. Go to Gmail and click on Settings and "See all Settings"
  2. Go down to the "Vacation responder" & Switch Vacation responder on.
  3. Fill in the date and content
  4. Select if you want to respond only to contacts and save changes

How do I set up an out-of-office message in Outlook?

The following steps will guide you to set up an OOO on Outlook:

1. Select "File > Automatic Replies" Or "Rules and Alerts" Depending on the outlook version
2. Then select "Send automatic replies".
3. You will be presented with two text boxes: "Inside your organisation" & "Outside your organisation"

4. Enter the text and click OK

Why is out of office message important?

The out-of-office message is an email that informs the mailer that you are not working from your desk. It explains when you'll be back and who will be your substitute when you are away. Occasionally, when you are taking a personal time off from your office and are planning to be out of communication, you have no chance to visit your email account. While you can't do anything about the visitors throughout your absence, there is something that you can do. All you need to do is to send an out-of-office email reply message and make them aware about your current situation and inform them when they can expect a response.

Should you use more than one out-of-office email message?

Yes, Ideally one for colleagues and one for clients. If you manage multiple inboxes, then you'll certainly have to make alterations to your OOO.

We're sure you've used an out-of-office reply before. They are those automated messages that tell people that you are currently on vacation or out of the office and that they should direct their message to someone else in the company for a response. We're also sure you used just one of them, maybe two at a time. In fact, You might have used only one cookie cutter out-of-office email message. But it doesn't always have the desired effect like a personalised email. Hence, Use as many personalised out-of-office messages as you'd like! There's no limit to the number of OOOs you can have. The caveat with multiple OOOs is that you must be consistent so that your recipients are clear about when to expect a response from you.

What Mistakes should you avoid in your out of office email?

The out of office email is one of the most important emails in your campaign. It sets the tone for your employees and reminds them to respect your time when you are away. One error in this email, though, can do a lot of damage.

  1. Keep it professional, there is threashold to amount of fun you can include. Keep it brief, but not too brief
  2. Avoid sounding too thrilled about the holiday
  3. Don't explain the reason of absence

When should I use out of office mail?

Chances are you'll want to use out of office for vacation or traveling. People like being able to easily check how long you've been away. When the out of office is set up and working properly it will display a message to your email contacts letting them know when you'll be back and reminding them that they should contact someone else if it's urgent.


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